Briefly in English


Turku Conservatory offers music studies for children and young people as well as vocational upper secondary education and training for adults.

Basic education in the arts

The love for music for the youngest children is prompted in Early childhood music education. The purpose is to provide the child with a platform for subsequent music studies. In the early childhood music education the children are made familiar with different sides of music and different instruments in the form of songs, exercises to the accompaniment of music and play.

Basic education in the arts is provided primarily for children and young people on an extracurricular basis. Basic education in Music Institute progresses in a goal-oriented manner from one level to the next and provides pupils with the skills to express themselves as well as the ability to apply for vocational or higher education in the field of music. Classical, pop & jazz and folk music are available in the music institute. The training includes soloistic subjects and general subjects (music theory, solfeggio and music knowledge), music technology, creative studies as well as ensemble playing.

Tuition fee examples:

– Early childhood music education 146 € / semester
– Music Institute 338 € / semester

Schedules for applying:

Registration for Early childhood music education is going on 1 May – 14 August 2025 for groups starting in August. 

Applications for Music Institute are accepted between 15 March – 30 April 2024 for studies beginning in August 2025.

The teaching languages are Finnish or Swedish, but English lessons are possible to arrange in many cases. Inquiries also during semesters are welcome.

Further inquiries in English:
Mrs Sari Sahlström
Mr Tommi Saalas

Vocational upper secondary education and training

Vocational upper secondary education and training is designed both for young people without upper secondary qualifications and for adults already in work life. Turku Conservatory offers studies for basic degree in music in classical, pop & jazz music as well as music technology. The studies are designed individually based on the personal competence development plan. The studies last two years in most of cases and are free of charge. Students have also the right to a free meal daily.

The vocational studies are carried out in Finnish – thus sufficient Finnish language skills are a requirement for applicants.

Further inquiries in English:
Mr Marko Autio

Turku Conservatory is renewing this website and more detailed English version will be available during spring 2025.